Program Aide FAQs

What is a PA?

A PA (Program Aid) is a specially trained Cadette, Senior or Ambassador Girl Scout who devotes a week of their summer working at camp to ensure YOUR child has a great time. These young women are dedicated and focused and led the camp activities the committee has planned.

Our Kiwa PAs make our Kiwa Day Camp the special magical place it is. They have work hard all day every day with smiles on their faces. Often they go without lunch or potty breaks because they are so busy leading camp. They have funny names like Banana, Twiddlebug, Smurf, Fuzzy Elmo, Rainbow, Pebbles, Bounce and Munchkin, just to name a few past PAs.

And ALL our campers want to be just like them! One mom, many years ago, said, “The PAs are the girls we want our daughters to grow up to be.” This is the best testament I can give them….they are truly phenomenal young women.

Kiwa PAs make camp possible. Come check them out this year!

Why is there a PA registration fee?

PAs are the driving force behind camp. They are truly awesome, phenomenal and well loved! BUT there are a lot of them which is a true testament to the PA program at Kiwa Camp.

Because we have a high commitment to our PAs and accept all that apply to camp (this year we could have 72 PAs!), it is nearly impossible to cover all the costs of having PAs (food, shirts/patches, training, etc) with the fees the campers pay. To keep our camper costs low, we choose several years ago to implement a fee to PA at Kiwa. This fee covers only certain hard costs for their involvement and is also kept as low as possible. Campers still pay for the PA thank you given each year to those who worked at Kiwa and a portion of other expenses. The remainder of the PA expenses come out of the fees the PAs pay.

The PA registration fee is currently $30 and cookie credits and financial aid may be used.

What is required to be a PA at Kiwa this summer?

Be a trained PA with a PA name.

Be entering 8th grade or higher in the fall

If new to Kiwa, also have completed Kiwa Camp Specialty available through Kiwa Day Camp. Contact Nana for more information.

Attend the mandatory PA Training for this year’s camp (listed on the home page)


Why do PAs have camp names?

PAs work hard to earn their PA designation. It is a GS tradition for PAs to use camp names. Once a PA graduates with their PA designation, they are awarded their name. PAs generally choose their own PA name but sometimes it is bestowed upon them by their peers.

PA names are a fun way to show the separation between campers and PAs. PA names are used at Kiwa Camp and, traditionally, those who use a PA’s real name at camp owe that PA a candy bar!

How do I get a PA necklace and charms?

PAs are the leaders of our camp and our campers LOVE them. Most of these girls take a week off of work or schedule their summer plans around camp week. Camp has a tradition of recognizing this commitment by giving the PA a necklace with their PA name on it their first year PA-ing at camp and charms each subsequent year. The charms are representative of the camp theme. The necklaces and charms are given at the Friday flag ceremony when camp closes for the year. Most PAs wear their necklace all week and throughout the year as a reminder of their time at Kiwa Camp.

What is the Golden S’More Award?

Golden S’Mores stands for Super, Magnificent, Outstanding Really Excellent Service. The award is given at closing flag on Friday of camp week.

The Golden and Silver (runnerup) S’More Awards are given to the PAs who are voted as being the most helpful, committed and outstanding at leadership. Only adults on site place votes for these awesome young women. Campers do not vote as this award isn’t a popularity contest. We request our adults vote based on watching the PAs doing their jobs well. It is a true accomplishment to earn a Golden or Silver Award.