Why aren’t the LIA and PA Training offered at Kiwa this year?
Each year we were getting about three girls who needed LIA, and 4-5 girls who needed PA training. I had, at most, an hour each day to work with this group. We were rushing through the training in order to check off the box, and I believe that we were doing the girls a disservice by offering it this way. These two requirements can be met in a variety of ways (Troop, Service Unit, Council), and it no longer makes sense to stretch ourselves thin in order to offer training that is available elsewhere.
Where can I find PA trainings?
PA Training: Council, Kiwa, SU 750 (Robin Henson, gssu750@gmail.com)
Why is the PAI training before Kiwa mandatory?
Because of the number of girls we have in the PAI program (16 at camp last year), they work in groups to plan their activities, and work with a different person to plan their activities for each day (Suzy may work with Jane for Monday’s activities, Maria for Tuesday, etc). This way we had 8 activities going at a time, not 16, so each girl had the opportunity to work with someone different each day, and each group had more than one Brownie at a time (usually), which works much better for games. If I run a separate training for two girls, it’s very hard for them to plan activities with people who attended the other training.
The reason why we hold it before camp is that 1) I need time to round up the supplies for the activities they plan, and 2) the girls usually need to communicate between the training and camp to finalize plans. Last year we held the training one week before camp, and it just wasn’t enough time to finalize everything that they needed to (vacations, etc.). The PAI’s did a fabulous job of rolling with it and finding creative solutions when something wasn’t available/didn’t work, but each year we try to learn from what worked or didn’t and improve the program.
Why are you limiting the number of girls that can take PAI at Kiwa?
Is there a priority system for determining who will attend Kiwa as a PAI?
Yes. First priority will go to the girls who attended Kiwa this summer as a 5th grader. Second priority will go to girls from the Longmont service unit. If there is room, we will accept girls from outlying areas. At this time, the number of PAI’s we will accept has not been determined. We will wait until we have a good idea of how many Brownies will be coming to camp. More Brownies = more training slots, and the number of Brownies we can accept is dependent upon how many volunteer Unit Leaders we have. If you know of any Brownie age girls who would like to come to camp, or anyone who is interested in being a Unit Leader, please pass the registration brochure to them!