Gear List

Kiwa Day Camp Gear List

What to Bring to Camp DAILY – Please mark ALL belongings with your camper’s name

  • Sack lunch labeled with camper’s name. Include a drink in a recyclable or reusable container (no glass please). If your child has food allergies/preferences and will not partake of the In-Unit lunch, please provide lunch on all camp days.
    Please note the Zero Waste policies of our venue that we will discuss with you at the All Camp Parent Camper Meeting. In general, all trash must return home with child (baggies for sandwiches, aluminum foil, non reusable water bottles, etc).
  • Backpack (old school backpack is perfect)
  • Sunscreen/insect repellant (lotions only allowed on-site) NOTE: ONLY YOUR CHILD can apply LOTION type sunscreen/insect protection to her/himself at day camp – it is against STATE LAW for the Unit Leaders or other camp personnel to apply to your child.
  • Water Bottles (suggestion: fill a bottle of water halfway and freeze the night before then top off with cold water before coming to camp)
  • Light jacket or sweatshirt. Hat or Cap with visor or brim
  • Sit-upon if desired (waterproof mat or pad to sit on – an old vinyl tablecloth works well)
  • Any medication MUST be in the original container and turned in to the Camp Nurse. Must be noted on the Participant Health History form. Epipens/rescue inhalers are kept in-unit.
  • Mess Kit or plate, cup and eating utensils for In Unit Cooking Day on Wednesday, if desired. Camp will have compostable dinnerware in keeping with the Zero Waste policy of Fairgrounds.
  • Hair tie or rubber band (long hair must be tied back when around fire on Wednesday)
  • Small Spray Bottle to keep oneself cool (optional) NO WATER GUNS or SQUIRT GUNS!
  • ‘Sharpie’ type marker on Friday for shirt signing.
  • If you choose, you may bring a mask to camp but it’s not required.

What to Wear to Camp

  • CLOSED TOE & -HEEL SHOES – NO sandals, jellies, or Crocs (tennis shoes recommended)
  • Socks – must completely cover the ankle. Check your child and his/her clothing for ticks EVERY DAY after arriving home from camp. We will be outside most of the camp day.
  • Dress in layers (NO halters, tank tops, or bare mid-drifts) SHIRTS MUST HAVE SLEEVES THAT FULLY COVER THE SHOULDERS
  • FOR THURSDAY: Extra sunscreen, a swimsuit and a large bath/beach towel. Older girls and PAs should avoid bikinis. A t-shirt and old shorts (no rivets or other hardware on them please) would work too. Please wear street clothes to camp. You will change into swim gear for your scheduled session on the water slide!

Additional items to bring the first day of camp

  • Carpool permission slips if not already submitted.
  • GORP and other supplies you sign up to bring at your parent meeting
  • Recyclable items are often needed for crafts. These will be announced at the All Camp Parent Camper Meeting as well as listed on the Day-At-A-Glance chart emailed to all parents and in email reminders.

What NOT to bring to camp:

  • Money or other valuables. Camp is not responsible in case of loss.
  • Electronics – this includes cell phones. Items will be confiscated and returned to PARENT at end of day.
  • Extra food and snacks (unless medically necessary)